[Call for Papers]
[Accepted Papers]
[Robot Program]
[Social Program]
[Travel Awards]
[Mirror Sites]

[Conference Logo]
[About the Conference]

Submission of papers to Workshop Organizers March 16th 2001
Camera-ready copies due to workshop chair April 23rd, 2001
Workshop date May 28, 29 2001
W1 Infrastructure for Agents, MAS, and Scalable MAS
W2 Second International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE-2001)
W3 Ontologies in Agent Systems (OAS2001)
W4 Learning Agents
W5 Fourth Workshop on Deception, Fraud, and Trust in Agent Societies
W6 Second Workshop on Norms and Institutions in MAS
W7 Representing and Annotating Non-Verbal and Verbal Communicative Acts to Achieve Contextual Embodied Agents
W8 First International Workshop on Security of Mobile Multiagent Systems (SEMAS-2001)
W9 Holons: Autonomous and Cooperative Agents for Industry
W10 Agent-based Approaches to B2B
W11 Agent-Supported Cooperative Work
W12 Autonomy-Oriented Computation (AOC)
W14 The First International Workshop on Agents and Internet Learning (AIL2001)
W15 Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2001)

Full details of the workshops can be found along with the conference registration information, and additional information on the workshop program is also available.
