[Call for Papers]
[Accepted Papers]
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Paper submission is a two-part process:
  1. You must send in an electronic title page and abstract. This must be done via the following WWW page: http://www.aaaiservices.org/ConfMan-AA-01/

    Full instructions are provided below. Title pages must be submitted no later than October 9, 2000. If you are genuinely unable to complete the online form (e.g., you do not have WWW access), then please contact the Conference program chairs as soon as possible.

  2. You must submit both electronic and hardcopies of your papers. Paper submissions must arrive no later than October 16 2000. Submissions received after this date will not be considered for publication. Authors should submit four (4) copies of papers to the following address:

    AAAI (AGENTS 01)
    445 Burgess Drive
    Menlo Park CA 94025-3496
    Telephone: (650) 328-3123

In addition, authors will be required to electronically submit (ftp) their papers in pdf (preferred) or postscript format. Directions will be emailed to the author after submitting the abstract at the following URL: http://www.aaaiservices.org/ConfMan-AA-01/

IMPORTANT NOTE: The electronic title ftp area and the electronic paper submission ftp area are likely to be very busy on October 9 and October 16. You are strongly urged to submit your abstract and your paper as far in advance of 9 October and 16 October respectively.

Submitted papers must be formatted in the style of ACM conference proceedings (except that authors' names and affiliations should be omitted along with "Categories and Subject Descriptors" as well as "General Terms"). Templates (Word, Word Perfect and LaTeX) are available at: http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html

In order to make blind reviewing possible, authors should omit their names and affiliations from the paper. In place of their names and affiliations, they should provide the list of content areas and their paper's tracking number.

Electronically submitted papers must be formatted for 8 1/2" x 11" paper, but may be printed on 8 1/2" x 11" or A4 paper. Papers must be no longer than 8 pages, using the style files provided; consult the Web pages for complete formatting instructions. Over-length papers will either be rejected or penalized in the review process.

Authors should specify (e.g., in a footnote) if the primary author of the paper is a student, so that the paper can be considered for the best student paper award.

In addition to conventional conference papers, we strongly encourage the submission of papers that focus on implemented systems or software prototypes. These papers require a demonstration of the software prototype at the conference and should include a detailed project/system description specifying hw/sw features and requirements. A clear description of the application domain(s) and other implementational/system oriented attributes should be included in the paper.

Accepted software prototype papers will be presented within a special track at the conference along with the implemented system. The papers will also be reviewed specifically for the special track.

To facilitate special track submission evaluation, you may indicate a URL with an online-demonstration of the system. Alternatively, you may include a video or screen snapshots of a system run with the paper. Screen snapshots or other information that is intended to illustrate the ability of the authors to demonstrate the system at the conference may exceed the standard page limit. In other words, appendices or graphic walk throughs may be added to the standard submission length without incurring a penalty.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Systems track abstract and paper submissions should be clearly identified at the beginning of the title as SPT: Paper Title

All papers will be reviewed by the program committee, and authors will be notified of acceptance by December 20, 2000.
