[Call for Papers]
[Accepted Papers]
[Robot Program]
[Social Program]
[Travel Awards]
[Mirror Sites]

[Conference Logo]
[Travel Awards]

Students from the US and EU who are planning to attend Autonomous Agents to present a paper or poster at the conference or a satellite workshop are invited to apply for an award towards the cost of travel to the conference.

In order to apply, please complete and submit the form below. Alternatively, email the relevant information to sandip@kolkata.mcs.utulsa.edu.

The closing date for applications for Travel Awards is Friday 13th April.

Personal Details

First Name:         
Last Name:


Postal address: Email address:
Based in US or at a EU site which is an AgentLink node:

Reason for attendance at the conference

Paper in main conference
Poster in main conference
Paper at workshop
Poster at workshop

Paper/Poster information:

For a paper or poster in main conference give number

Paper/Poster ID:         

For a paper or poster in a workshop, give the workshop number

Workshop number:    

For all papers/posters give title

Paper/Poster Name: 

Amount requested
Amount in Dollars:      

Other information:
